martes, 4 de junio de 2013



The seasons are the periods of the year when the climatic conditions are maintained in a particular region within a certain range. These periods are usually four and last about three months and are called spring, summer, autumn and winter. The stations are due to the inclination of the axis of rotation of the earth relative to the plane of its orbit about the sun

SPRING: begins on September 23 and ends on December 20. The days begin to grow longer and temperatures are smoothed in some places of the planet's heavy rains, the animals wake from their winter lethargy and begin to prepare for procreation, the birds that had migrated in the fall, they return to their nests, and plants take their first leaves, flowers and fruits.

SUMMER begins December 21 and ends on March 20. The days are long and the nights short, the rainfall is in the form of storm and temperatures are high. The animals treat their offspring and plants are full of leaves and fruits. In this season, people usually go to the beach wearing light clothing. In this Christmas season is celebrated in the southern hemisphere (Southern).

FALL: Begins March 21 and ends on June 20. The days grow shorter, the temperature drops and it rains a lot. The animals begin to prepare for the cold or migrate, the plants lose their leaves and mushrooms appear.

WINTER: begins June 21 and ends on September 22. The days are short and the nights very long, very cold temperatures and in some places it starts snowing and raining with more intensity. Animals and plants have little activity. In Winter Christmas is celebrated in the northern hemisphere (Boreal).

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